Configure FTP Track Result and Entry Uploads with Meetpro

This article explains how to upload results from MeetPro to AthleticLIVE for Track and Field meets using FTP.

Many users report FTP being slow and having to restart MeetPro many times to get FTP to work. Please move to Publish to Disk for a more seamless experience.
In order to upload results from MeetPro to AthleticLIVE, you'll need MeetPro version 2.0 or greater, an internet connection, and no customization to your live results HTML (if you're not sure what this means, you don't have anything to worry about).
Some T-Mobile hotspot users have reported trouble with FTP connectivity. If you experience difficulty using FTP when using a T-Mobile hotspot, you'll either need to use a different network, or consider using AthleticLIVE Local.

View Cross Country Upload Instructions

Step 1: Enter Credentials

Within MeetPro, select InterfacesFTP UploadSetup from the menu bar.

Copy the FTP login details from your AthleticLIVE Meet Administration Portal into the FTP Setup dialog box.

These settings will differ for each meet you time. If you don't want to have to update these settings every meet, consider using AthleticLIVE Local.

If you're using AthleticLIVE Local, then you should copy these settings directly from the main page on AthleticLIVE Local, rather than from your Meet Details page. See Introduction to AthleticLIVE Local and Install and Operate AthleticLIVE Local for more information.

Step 2: Configure Settings

Before leaving the FTP Setup screen, you'll need to configure the FTP report settings.

A word about the Reports section of the FTP Setup screen:

Every time you perform an FTP upload with MeetPro, MeetPro uploads all reports, not just the ones that have changed. For large meets, this can be quite a bit of data! In addition to lengthening the time the upload takes, uploading lots of data can lengthen the amount of time our system takes to sort through what is new data and what is not. Therefore, we recommend checking only Performance Lists (according to what you'd like to publish) before the meet. Once the meet begins, we recommend unchecking all other boxes and only checking Results.

  • Set Gender, Type, and Relay to All.
  • Status:
    • When uploading Start Lists or or Performance Lists, select All.
    • When uploading results, select Scored if this is a scored meet. Select Complete if this is an unscored meet.
  • Set Order to Publication.
  • Session should be blank.

You may choose any report options that you like. Our recommendations are shown in the following screenshot.

Event Start Times

If you've configured your meet into sessions and added event start times, you can change the Order setting to Session and re-publish after your initial publish by publication order. This will show start times on all your events on AthleticLIVE. Once you've published via session order, return your settings to Publication Order for normal result uploads.

Also, on the Edit Meet page, you'll need to configure your MeetPro sessions. Be sure to match the session name exactly.

Step 3: Configure Live Update

You can configure MeetPro to automatically upload results when certain actions take place. We recommend configuring MeetPro to upload results when you mark an event complete or score the event:

From the menu bar, choose InterfacesLive UpdateSetup.

  • Under Interfaces, select FTP.
  • Under Auto Update check On Scoring and On Marking Event Complete.
It's not recommended to check the On Results Update box. If you do, each time you enter a new result into MeetPro, it will attempt to upload a new set of reports. Sending multiple sets of reports to AthleticLive's servers can cause slow updates and may cause unintended behavior.

With this configuration in place, every time you score an event or mark it complete, the event will be uploaded automatically. If you'd like to do a manual upload, press the CTRL+U shortcut key or choose InterfacesLive UpdateUpdate Now from the menu bar.

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